psle over!!!!!!!!!!!!

yay! psle is finally over! haha those losers hu have to do higher chinese. i fell so thrilled that psle is over. too great for words. well is ur a p6 then u'll know exactly what i mean...
english...its ok. synthesis a bit tough, but the rest is fine. maths is also not that bad, harder than i expected though. but its ( as what mr chua puts it) "managable". science today. its easier than i expected. ill get into express 100%, but rgs? maybe, maybe not. 50 50 chance
i duno why i so badly wanted to get into rgs. maybe cos ill get better r4espect from ppl, or wat? but now i dont care. as long as i get into a sch at least like ahs or dhs or nanyang, ill be satisfied. i think.
anyway. im going to change this skin soon. maybe tomorrow. ill be back later to post somemore.
i got the whole week planned. today(im at mph now using the comp) im going shopping wif yuejing(shes beside me now) then later we go to her house. tomorrow i go to movies wif a few guys and my friends at suntec. this friday i going library wif my bro. this weeekend i going shopping at tampines mall wif my friends. :)
so thats it for now. bye bye!!!
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