stuffed laptop

bleh. this laptop is stuffed. keeps on lagging- damn irratating. and its all in chinese. when i was playing games, there were so many lags that i just quit that stupid game. and it was one of my best timing. jus cos of this laptop. and i cant even use the mouse. have to use the keyboard instead. idiotic laptop.
hem hem. anyway. i tidied 1/8 of my room this morning. i made the bed for once. i read the chinese newspaper for once. i rearranged my books for once. diao. i only did those things cos my mother asked me to... i still have 7/8 of my room left to tidy. for e.g. all my stationary that i threw to one corner of my shelf ... in like... january? and i oso have to clean the top of my cupboard... dust is already collecting on them. and all my board games (correction: my sister's board games) are so dusty! wad else... oh ya. my study table. its really messy. i nid to find all the chinese dictionaries soon. have to study chinese everyday. AAAAAAARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im reading this nespaper and i only understand 1/4 of it... jees. why learn chinese? i'm so hopeless at it.
have been using the laptop for a few hrs already. going to log off soon when my sis come home fr sch. she goes to tkgs. i wouldn't want to go there if i had a choice. the uniform's GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like in sydney! so ... not my type. at least blue is better. or any other colour. even black.
yesterday went to sheena's house to do the skit. and practise that stupid cheer. i begged my fwenz fr sydney to tell methe cheers so that we didnt have to think of them. XD (im lazy. and im proud of it) but why do the girls have to do all the hard work while the bois slack off? so unfair.
going to watch tv now. adios!
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