
hello! back from malaysia for the third time in december. once to go cousin's wedding, second time to do my ic, third time to go genting highland, which totally rocked. the time now is 5.34am. arrived home around 3.30 and since i slept in the car on the way home, im so awake! :) anyway, sch starts in 24hrs! omg! i have to get up at 6.15am!!! AM!!!!!!!!! oh gosh. i tink im gonna be late on the first day of sch. haha.
wanted to sit the roller coaster in the hotel just now but the queue seriously damn long. even the kiddy rides were xtremely long. spent like 40 mins lining up jus for a ride, so u can estimate how much time i wasted. went there on saturday. no hotel rm so had to drive ALL THE WAY down the mountain AGAIN and spend the night at my relative's house. next day went there booked a hotel room, the ONLY one not occupied for that night. and that hotel was only 3 stars!! wanted 5 stars hotel. ><
genting is in the mountains in kl, so it's quite cold. almost as cold as in australia suring winter. brr...
oh yeah, saw fireworks from my hotel room. damn nice.
anyway, i think im going to sleep at 6 plus and get up at 11 plus later, so im probably going to be cranky.
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