well carnival day pics from amanda's blog
softball pics from jorene's blog :)
havent been posting for what- more than a week
new record :D
yup and the reason's cause of all the cas and trainings and my brother has been hogging the comp lately
oh wait, before i forget
i totally flunked the science paper on tues. actually after 5 mins i sort of gave up on that stupid paper, but then i made myself complete the whole thing no matter what. i underestimated the maths paper on monday, so i didnt have enough time to complete it. foolish me
literature was fine.
geog was like a piece of cake
hahah i expected to do very badly in geog and better in maths
but no, instead, it's the other way round
anyway, last thursday was napfa which went quite well for me except for that stupid fall in shuttle run
i fell on the concrete ground, then cause i couldnt stop myself, i was sliding.
on my left knee
so there was this really open wound about 4-5cm wide and 3cm long
and it was bleeding and bleeding
so after the office put the bandage and stuff for me, i went back to retake the shuttle run cause i didnt complete it cause of my fall
and my timing was 11.5
wasted la
0.1 second away from A
but thats actually quite okay considering i sort of jogged the shuttle run and i slowed down towards the end.
nevertheless, i achieved my gold :)
and yesterday was carnival day
it was fun :DD
well 1e4 did balloon sculpture and braiding of hair
and the balloons were popping and bursting every minute when we were setting up our stall
then i went to 1e2 stall which was spin the wheel
i was their FIRST customer
so half of their class was like spin the wheel! spin the wheel!
so i spinned [??]
so i got this small lamb/sheep
then carissa and preya was like WHAT?! YOU GOT GRAND PRIZE?
then andria secretly took a few fruit plus from their class container thing and gave them to me
then after that our braiding of hair only had one customer so we had to sell all the clips and combs and all that stuff away
but our sculptures were quite sellable
then we watched battle of bands which was quite nice
and i bought milo dinosaur which was sort of diluted.. but i was thirsty :x
then after that i bought 2 more bandung...1 for 50cents at first
then 10 mins later when i went back to that same stall, they were selling them for 20cents =.=
i cant remember what else happened, so after we cleared up, they gave us our national day "gift"...the pilot pen with tkgs national day 2007 on it
quite cool actually
anyway, in total we made about 30 plus $$
alot of the money contributed by our retiring [but still coming back to teach] fm, mr ho
you know mr ho's like damn nice
he bought this ballon from us for 5 bucks
then he returned the balloon to us
then he bought another for 2 bucks
then he returned it to us again
then he bought sushi, lollipops and lots of food and gave them all to us
then he went to play this game i think
and then he gave the prize to us
like how nice la
and all this happened when i was at our stall
and i was at our stall for only like 20% of the time
the rest of the time when i wasnt there, i bet he gave us even more stuff
his only excuse was that he didnt have anywhere to put all the things he buy
so yah
oh mrs kong is also retiring
i thought she was kinda still young...haha
and from next week onwards, training's 3 times a week
like ugh
and oh ya we finally got our socks
took a hundred years to get them =.=
AND i went to popular yesterday on my way home and asked 2 shops whether they sold eclipse [released 7 august] and they said no
they said it'll only be coming [to singapore] during mid september
quite unfair
have to wait soo long
oh gtg
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