havent been posting for almost a week or so :D
well today was fye english
think i'll do fine
as in, i dont think i'll fail.
but i dont think i can get like A or anything.
many things happened today.
weird things.
why are you like that?
you dont seem like that kind of person.
anyway, yesterday we were back to the slangs
yokoyama- im not maria okay
she treats me as her maid cause she's some pishposh kind of english person and im a super kiasu woman
and yaa
was fun xd
oh yeah
on tuesday tessa vic nat viola and i went to marine parade library
i ordered chicken chunks again
and im sick of it now :x
im never going to eat it again unless i really have to
next time i'll try... BROWNIES :DD
i went to tuition.
as usual.
well dont think i'll be posting alot besides today cause of the upcoming papers- science and mt paper one next wed,
literature on thurs,
geography on friday,
history on monday,
maths on tues,
and mother tongue paper two on thurs- the last paper
then AFTER all that, this is a list of what we're planning to do:
1) halloween :D im gonna go as a mummy. and we planned to go trick or treating at thompson road. hahaha xD
2) sleepover on the night of halloween. spend the whole night watching scary movies and munching our sweets at amanda's --> tentative
2) get a job. maybe give out fliers @ $6/hour or sell pens for the ex-convicts thingy and earn $50/hour according to rachel
3) use the money we earn from our jobs to go shopping at maybe orchard/marina square
4) celebrate nat and manda's birthdays
5) celebrate zai's birthday [if possible]
6) chalet
7) class tees
8) bake cakes?
and the list goes on...
and we're still planning...
so none of them are comfirmed yet besides halloween and nat&amanda's birthdays
so ya.
cant wait man =DD
but for now, let's hope i'll do well in the exams :))
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