exams are finally O-VER ! :D
well after exams we [me vic viola] went to marina square
vic wanted to go cycling at ecp but i insisted on shopping & watching a movie instead
we reached there around 10 plus so the shops were pretty much closed
then when the cinemas opened we bought tickets for balls of fury
we oh-ya-bei-ya-some (?) and i won three times IN A ROW :D
so i got to choose my seat- middle seat
then we bought nachos and drinks and chips
vic was nice
she gave me a dollar fifty discount on nachos
then we went in to the theatre
golden village i think.
only nine people including us in the big theatre
and we ate all our food before the commercials even ended =="
and the movie was hilarious =DD
basically it's about this man who was a ping-pong champion when he was young. but then he stopped competiting. and one day when he was working the fbi came to him and asked him to work for them.
he was really dumb you know.
he thought they were faking it so he took the police's gun and shoot it into the air.
okay then he had to go compete in this ping-pong competition with sudden death if you lose
and ya he survived
it's really funny (:
except rachel and tessa told me bout the movie earlier so. some parts werent as funny.
but really, it's worth your seven bucks ((:
then vic wanted to eat mcs
and we circled the same spot at leats three times, trying to find mcs cause, well, it was the only place she could afford.
so she went to the information counter and ASKED FOR DIRECTIONS.
in school uniform.
they said walk straight, turn left.
or right.
something like that
but we still couldnt find, so vic took a map.
like right in front of all the foreigners.
and she walked around with her nose buried into the map and she stopped right in the middle of the pathway to read the map.
then after we ate we went to try on clothes in zara, roxy, ripcurl and others.
starting with roxy.
the clothes at roxy were really nice.
so after we picked clothes for each other to try on, we went to the changing rooms but only two were vacant.
so vic and viola shared a cubicle and i went to the other.
and you know what.
after i tried on mine, i knocked on vic/viola's door to let me see theirs
me: [knockknock] vic? viola?
them: ya? wait. let me try to unlock the door
[twist twist. twist twist. can't manage to open]
vic: i cant get it open!
salesgirl: excuse me, do you need help opening the door?
me: uh...ya?
[salesgirl goes to take the KEY to open it for 'em]
after she unlocked, she went in this bored tone, turn clockwise next time.
then we wanted to buy the clothes we tried on but we didnt have much money with us and most of the clothes we tried on was on 50% discount.
double omg.
so we just left
so paiseh :x
then we went zara
tried on little miss whatever clothes
me and vic tried little miss greedy
viola tried little miss... what was it again?
sorry cant really remember
and i tried a plain grey tee
vi a white
vic a brown (she keeps insisting she's a brown)
and matching white tights
we really wanted to buy them (except for the tight) but like i said, broke.
so next we went to quicksilver.
nothing much there la
then we went to this shop with shirts that had totally cute phrases, like
- i only look innocent
- im the evil twin
- im addicted to shopping
- love it. want it. threw a tantrum. got it.
- tell me again why i need a boyfriend
yeah stuff like that
we made plans to go back on thurs to buy them :DD
then we went to lee's?
they needed new jeans or something
well after exams we [me vic viola] went to marina square
vic wanted to go cycling at ecp but i insisted on shopping & watching a movie instead
we reached there around 10 plus so the shops were pretty much closed
then when the cinemas opened we bought tickets for balls of fury
we oh-ya-bei-ya-some (?) and i won three times IN A ROW :D
so i got to choose my seat- middle seat
then we bought nachos and drinks and chips
vic was nice
she gave me a dollar fifty discount on nachos
then we went in to the theatre
golden village i think.
only nine people including us in the big theatre
and we ate all our food before the commercials even ended =="
and the movie was hilarious =DD
basically it's about this man who was a ping-pong champion when he was young. but then he stopped competiting. and one day when he was working the fbi came to him and asked him to work for them.
he was really dumb you know.
he thought they were faking it so he took the police's gun and shoot it into the air.
okay then he had to go compete in this ping-pong competition with sudden death if you lose
and ya he survived
it's really funny (:
except rachel and tessa told me bout the movie earlier so. some parts werent as funny.
but really, it's worth your seven bucks ((:
then vic wanted to eat mcs
and we circled the same spot at leats three times, trying to find mcs cause, well, it was the only place she could afford.
so she went to the information counter and ASKED FOR DIRECTIONS.
in school uniform.
they said walk straight, turn left.
or right.
something like that
but we still couldnt find, so vic took a map.
like right in front of all the foreigners.
and she walked around with her nose buried into the map and she stopped right in the middle of the pathway to read the map.
then after we ate we went to try on clothes in zara, roxy, ripcurl and others.
starting with roxy.
the clothes at roxy were really nice.
so after we picked clothes for each other to try on, we went to the changing rooms but only two were vacant.
so vic and viola shared a cubicle and i went to the other.
and you know what.
after i tried on mine, i knocked on vic/viola's door to let me see theirs
me: [knockknock] vic? viola?
them: ya? wait. let me try to unlock the door
[twist twist. twist twist. can't manage to open]
vic: i cant get it open!
salesgirl: excuse me, do you need help opening the door?
me: uh...ya?
[salesgirl goes to take the KEY to open it for 'em]
after she unlocked, she went in this bored tone, turn clockwise next time.
then we wanted to buy the clothes we tried on but we didnt have much money with us and most of the clothes we tried on was on 50% discount.
double omg.
so we just left
so paiseh :x
then we went zara
tried on little miss whatever clothes
me and vic tried little miss greedy
viola tried little miss... what was it again?
sorry cant really remember
and i tried a plain grey tee
vi a white
vic a brown (she keeps insisting she's a brown)
and matching white tights
we really wanted to buy them (except for the tight) but like i said, broke.
so next we went to quicksilver.
nothing much there la
then we went to this shop with shirts that had totally cute phrases, like
- i only look innocent
- im the evil twin
- im addicted to shopping
- love it. want it. threw a tantrum. got it.
- tell me again why i need a boyfriend
yeah stuff like that
we made plans to go back on thurs to buy them :DD
then we went to lee's?
they needed new jeans or something
i prefer levi's
they're much more comfy okay.
then went to times where vic said hi and bye to eclipse
get this: they put all of eclipse on the floor like right beneath this table
some people just have no respect for a great book.
oh ya
before the movie started vic's hair was "messy"
so we went to the toilet and she left her wallet there
then 15 minutes later we dashed all the way back to the toilet and this old lady, the toilet cleaner had the wallet
and she spent like 10 minutes "lecturing" and "advising" vic what to do in hokkien.
we were just nodding and going orh, mmm, thank you
then the old lady said blahblahblahblahblah ah bei?
vic: bei!
vi: ahbei!
both at the same time.
so ya
no idea what it means
then we took mrt home
took more pictures :DD
well happy grabbing (:
they're much more comfy okay.
then went to times where vic said hi and bye to eclipse
get this: they put all of eclipse on the floor like right beneath this table
some people just have no respect for a great book.
oh ya
before the movie started vic's hair was "messy"
so we went to the toilet and she left her wallet there
then 15 minutes later we dashed all the way back to the toilet and this old lady, the toilet cleaner had the wallet
and she spent like 10 minutes "lecturing" and "advising" vic what to do in hokkien.
we were just nodding and going orh, mmm, thank you
then the old lady said blahblahblahblahblah ah bei?
vic: bei!
vi: ahbei!
both at the same time.
so ya
no idea what it means
then we took mrt home
took more pictures :DD
well happy grabbing (:

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