
crap the injection todae...i was the first one. so sad. cos i was register no. 1 and stuff. everyone waiting were like looking at the first jab supposed to be left arm, but nurse inject rongly so jabbed at rite arm. so now it's harder to rite. and OW my rite hand is damn NUMB!
todae stayed back to practise the skit agen. this time the whole thing was stuffed. the whole thing was messed up. ERIC TEO, U HAPPY NOW? I ADMITTED THAT I MESSED UP A BIT! HAPPY? GOOD! i quit my job as the director! or well, main director i mean. i'm now only going to be back-up director, apart from producer of skit, producer of cheer and for helping wif the props. greeeeeeeaaaaaaattttt. and our banner? ya it sux! mrs tham bought a new one for us 2dae. yay. but actually we wanted black, then she bought sky blue. but hu cares?
the phone's ringing. going to pick it up. adios!